Monday, November 21, 2011

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Gotharman's rebuild Moog Voyager

"Tweaking my rebuild Moog Voyager Oldschool. The voiceboard from it is build in to a modular Eurorack case from chinese Modular World. Everything is connected to minijacks. VCO's, filters and mixer are interconnected, when nothing is in the jacks."



4ms VCA Matrix demo "Hybrid 1V/oct VCA and cross modulation" patch

demonstration of the Wiard-Malekko ANTI-OSCILLATOR pair

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Baden Baden

New Moon

A realtime modular synthesizer piece. Ambient drone with pitched tones. Faster sequences done with two CGS01 sub oscillator/harmonic sequencer modules. A third CGS01 was used for subharmonic drone sounds.
The background drone is a single Oakley vco. One channel is saw wave through an Oakley Discontinuity wavefolder, to an Ian Fritz 5 Pulser, to a J Haible Tau Phaser and finally into a DD400 digital delay. The second portion of the drone is the same Oakley vco's sine wave out into a CatGirl Synth CGS01 sub oscillator. I pulled up some sub octaves to send through a Synthetic Sound Labs 1310 digital delay which was voltage controlled by a MegaOhm Audio LFO2.

Other static repeating sequences are various voices from Q960, Q119, STG time suite and Moon 554 & 563.

The faster broken repeating line in the mid section is a third CGS01 in harmonic sequencer mode. I got the control voltages from another MegaOhm Audio LFO2 which was reset synchronized to itself. The lower LFO section sent a slow square wave into the upper section which was a faster triangle wave. This output along with the slower sine wave out went to the CGS01. The output B of the CGS01 was mixed with a B output from another CGS01 with faster subdivisions and sent through a vca which was lfo controlled. This set up a varying fast and slow pattern which repeated due to the sync of the LFO2 against the vca filtered 2nd CGS01. All voltages from the CGS01's were sent through several Q171 quantizers before going to the vco's.

The patch utilized a variation on an idea from Hans Munz (a.k.a consumed) in a muffwiggler topic from a few years back. Essentially it was an FM and AM patch and you can see me mixing in the AM into it and changing the AM octave properties on the Q106 vco.

FX included Strymon ElCapistan, Blue Sky, Lexicon MX200, Behringer DD400 and TC Electronics D-Two.
The Oakley vco, discontinuity wavefolder and 5 Pulser were all vc modified from an Ian Fritz ChaQuO chaos generator oscillator. A subtle but big effect there.

Doepfer Modular

Doepfer Modular from Mark Angel on Vimeo.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

a Bob MOOG prototype from his garage

I took a photo of this from a video that is no longer available anywhere. After Bob died, they walked through his garage and found all sorts of wonderful things. They took down the video for some reason. glad I took this snapshot, inspiring.

someone else's Modular System -

Going Modular - Test 7 (The Great Wave)

Doepfer MAQ 16/3: Sequence and FM Sequence at 4:00. Transposing with a midi keyboard that's not in the frame.
Theis Modular System: Synth.
TC Electronic M300: Delay.
Alesis Midiverb: Reverb.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

i want you should eat my fuck berzerker.....

The Berserker is a synthesizer module built and sold by Zerosum Inertia. It is a collaboration with Eric Barbour of Metasonix, who designed the circuitry.

Flight of Harmony

Flight of Harmony Choices to Malekko Jag
Jag outs to Make Noise Moddemix ( cv in Wogglebug Sportmodulator A 149
Noisering )mixed by A 138m to
Analogue Systems RS 100 RS110 RS 360
Doepfer R2 m A 114 A 134 and more
Make Noise Brains Maths Optomix Pressure Points QMMG René
Malekko AO Uncle Noisering
Moog FreqBox CF 251 MP 201
Roland System 104 sequencer
Toppobrillo Quantimator Sport Modulator
Logic Master clock via Kenton Pro 2000II and 4ms RDC